i slept from 7:46 to 10:00 cause i had a splitting headache rarh D:
i just wasted like 2 hours and 14 minutes of my precious time. ohwell, today was a
wonderful day! ;D [actually, i realised most blogposts say its a WONDERFUL DAY today -.-]
the s-words pretty much sums up my day.
1) anything but shitty
well, that's easy, cause today's a nice day! :D
2) stupid and silly[in a good way]
in a sense, retardation, craziness!
3) sleepy [most of the time when i'm not talking oO]
i ALMOST fell asleep during compre test D:
4) sick [physically and mentally]
SEL lessons, and my headaches.
5) "sexcited" [according to mrs mohan, but i found it super funny]
hahaha, when we were talking about premarital sex today, she asked if the guys were "excited", or rather, "sexcited" HAHAHAHA.
6) super! ;D
whacky and well, WONDERFUL?
7) sensual and sexy and superficial
SEL lessons again, sensual as in voluptuous, erotic and raunchy. what else can you say about a topic like pms? [HAHA, i just realised premenstrual syndrome is PMS too -.- nevermind, i meant premaritalsex] [hoho, and voluptuous reminds me of MRS ELIZABETH YEO! the tll teacher last time, she won the most voluptuous teacher award last time xD] sexy is self-explanatory, and superficial, cause breast implants are stupid and superficial! waste of money and its dangerous eek!
8) surprising [hoho, surprising tests? -.-]
hurhur. compre test. -.- woah mustang and tibet shat, zzz -.-
9) scorn head
that's jiayu for you ;D don't ask me why, HAHA. scorn head and the aluminium fountain ^^
10) stimulating [its another word for interesting and inspiring you goon/pervert!]
inspiring and interesting morning devotion! only time understands love yo~
11) spicy [yes, i put ANOTHER spoonful of chilli into my prawn noodles]
if you want to link it to SEL lessons too, go ahead. i was referring to real chilli though xD i'm addicted to one spoonful of chilli every meal -.-
12) senseless
ofcourse, i was being totally retarded today. maybe some people are beginning to think i'm crazy .__.
13) spotless?
i've got no words to describe geog lessons, all we did was copying, and we kept the class quite clean today i guess.
14) slow .__.
yes, i was being a lagger T.T at most stuff hahahaha!~
15) secretive!
due to the fact that alot of people got fascinated by kaiying's wonderful birthdaypresent, the postsecrets book! its a wonderful book really, lets post a secret next time! ;D
well highlights,
SEL lessons again HAHA,
i still find "sEXCITING" very FUNNY HAHAHAHHA!
oh to sum the story up, a clever girl had pms with a stupid evil beastly with took a video of their SI [figure out this acronym] and it circulated everywhere and made the girl sad. end of story.
stupid evil beast of a boyfriend i say. she trusted him and he made use of it. how terrible.
well, GERM-AI-NE was tying my hair during sel, and i have a lopsided bun on my head hahahaha. i'll most the phone one day, i told you i don't have time to slowing connect the cable to my phone and slowly upload the photos. daddy quick get me the bluetooth thing! D:
anyway, ashley the stupid [ashley nicole leong en xin YOU read this] and i mean real stupid,
PANGSEH-ed me.
when she was the one who SUGGESTED to go home with me today.
"emma go home with me today okay! ^^"
"haha okayokay!"
so i called her after school, and guess what!
"hello ashley, where are you?"
"huh i'm with xinhui and yeni"
"huh orh okay, where ar, i come down find you"
"huh i walking down the hill already"
"EH WHAT?! you PANGSEH seh"
"huh i walking down already"
*remains silent for around 30 seconds*
*remains silent for 30 seconds too*
then she said byebyebyebye,
and i got pissed so i anyhow said bye and put down phone ^^
nevermind, kaiying says "aiyar, ashley everytime pangseh de la"
so i'll calm down and dao her. rarr.
so, i waited for NOOHOO cause she was waiting for her friend too.
waited damn long so we decided to go to the 4th storey,
and saw nicole there.
and we started reading the postsecrets book. HAHAHA ohmy, nicole, you're a VERY polluted person and your vocabulary is gay. she knows EVERYTHING.
anyway, there's this secret that says:
"my wife says she's seen smaller ones, but i think she's just being nice"
below was a picture of sausages.
nicole took a look, laughed like mad. it was after she started laughing that i realised what it was about, and its the 3rd time i'm reading it -.-
but ngik's reaction was more classic.
"huh? what? i don't get it! i still don't get it! D:"
LOL stay pure noohoo, just don't be like [removed cause i'm super nice, and noohoo asked me to remove his name] xD JOKING.
stayed till liukaiying's remedial was over, and i went down with both of them.
in the canteen, i saw jiayu and xiquan and kaiying.
so i doodled on jiayu's paper. SORRY JIAYU D:
drank chocolate milk ate oheya! ^^
anyway, jiayu's phone camera was at the front, and i didn't notice.
*picks up camera and attempts to snap a photo of kaikai*
while the camera loads....i was expecting to see kaiyng's face
and when it finally loaded...
i swear i got a SHOCK of my life and went like, "AHHH!"
so we walked home and me and kaikai "pangseh-ed" jiayu and xiquan
HAHAHAHA suprahh fun, and i suck at throwing oheya into kaikai's mouth
it landed on the floor 5 times.
it hit her specs 2 times.
it hit her face 3 times.
it hit her teeth 2 times.
tell me im' pro-ded. apparently jesse did that -.-
we were about to cross the road, we saw jesse and he said 'your aiming sucks -__-'
so kaiying was like "shutup lar!" xDDDD
and oh, kaikai saw "minle" as "minnie" then she was like, o.O HUH who's that man!
and then seconds after that annia smsed me too :D
woah today's a scandalous day yo, i caught ANNA LIM in the act too
houkay, i realised i act as myself [maybe the SUPER CRAZY and RETARDED version]
when i'm with my 2d mates.
or rather,
the bowling girls [annia, anna, alicia, kaiying, ashley], jiayu and isabel ^^
ohwell, if you girls are reading this, I LOVE YOU ALL.
and i know noohoo loves a [removed name, my name will do] :D
and know I LOVE BIO
anqi: hey mama! long time no tag haha the lady who playe clare du lune was amazing 0.0
{hi qiqi! haha yup, she's PRO! the guy who played reverie too! :O amazanggg people!}
ada`: lol! fancy saying hi t me 8 times in a day. Emma is so silly

{hahahah oops it was 2 xD emma is entertaining houkay! xD takecare love! seeyou~!}
Brenda: Hello! zZz, I have to start climbing 5 floors everyday again

{hello! yeah D:, 5th storey is zzzzz, but ohwell, at least both 3L and 3K won't be bored xD}
why am i blogging? don't know. i'm looking at the PHOBIALIST.
check it out haha, super funny, and i've got LOADS of photos to upload after exams!
bye! nights!
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